Published Dec 22, 2023
Bullis G Stevens (2025) gives the latest on his recruitment
Houston Wilson
Staff Writer

Class of 2025 guard Adrien Stevens was among a number of players that UVa head coach Tony Bennett, associate head coach Jason Williford, and assistant coach Orlando Vandross watched last weekend at DeMatha High School during the National Hoopfest. Stevens, who was offered by the Cavaliers earlier this fall, is in the middle of a high major recruitment that includes a handful of schools.

“It was awesome being able to see Coach Bennett at my game,” he told CavsCorner. “I think it shows a lot that he and Shaka Smart of Marquette came to watch me. Having a head coach present at your game really means a lot because it shows how interested they are in me and I really appreciate that. Seeing those head coaches at my games definitely carries a lot of weight.”

Bennett was able to give some feedback directly to Stevens after Bullis beat nationally-ranked IMG.

“After my game that Coach Bennett watched, I was able to talk to him and Coach Williford and they gave me some feedback on my game,” Steven recalled. “Coach Bennett was telling me that he liked how I was shot ready and always ready to shoot. He also expressed how much he likes the way I play defense. He was also talking about the way I carry myself on the court and that was awesome to hear. Just being able to hear that type of stuff from him is really big time.”

Like Virginia, Marquette also had its head coach in attendance.

“Shaka Smart and I have a great relationship,” Stevens explained. “We probably talk almost every day and we always talk before a game and after a game. He has helped give me a lot of pointers for both on and off the court stuff. He has also helped me with my leadership so it is always nice to hear those types of tidbits from him. He has really helped me grow as a player.”

According to the 6-foot-4 guard, there are four schools that are making him a focal point at this stage of the process.

“Virginia, Marquette, Maryland, and Villanova are definitely the four schools that are prioritizing me,” he said.

Of note, though, is that he has not officially cut his list to four schools since there are a few others that are trying to get involved.

“I feel like those four schools are just really talking to me the most,” Stevens said. “Outside of those four schools, Stanford is probably the next school that is really talking to me. Notre Dame and Mississippi State just came into the mix as well.”

Don't expect a decision from Stevens until the spring or summer as he is solely focused on the court right now.

“My No. 1 priority is my junior season,” he said. “My teammates and coaches work so hard every day to try and get better so I am not focused on where I want to go to college right now. I don't think I will be ready to make my college decision until sometime in the summer but it also depends on how everything goes. This spring is a time I could also make a decision.”
